GO EAGLES ! DEDICATED TO GRAND RAPIDS CHRISTIAN HIGH my alma mater ! & also for Holland Christian football & Kirk Cousins VIKINGS; and those from the Reformed tradition
"You bring that child to Jesus and let Jesus do His mighty work in their life. But don't abandon His work. Don't back down. Don't retreat because of the attack of the enemy. You're the real target. Take your stand against the devil's schemes and let Jesus do that work in your child's heart to bring that lamb back home."
"Cousins signed a four-year contract in March that guaranteed him $90 million and had a total potential value of $180 million, making it the highest total-value free-agency deal in NFL history. He will receive a $10 million roster bonus if he's on the roster on March 17, but that appears increasingly unlikely.."
"Cast thy bread 🍞 upon the waters 🌊: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, & also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil 👿 shall be upon the earth"🌎
He was one of our football coaches, also taught PE at Seymour "GR Christian celebrates Dick VanderKamp's 50 years of service Kamp was the baseball coach from 1978-2001"