Jeff was our assistant defensive football coach at Christian high when I was there ,and Gwen was a year younger than me on the swim team and obviously a very good swimmer, and Steve was also just a year or two younger than me also very great at basketball as you can tell. And his dad Ralph played tennis with my dad at woodland when I was still there in Grand Rapids. Ironically I had his dad Ralph has a teacher at Calvin for one visit class that I took comma and I don't know if you remember me or not but if he did he made a specific point of pretending you didn't know who I was or not saying hi or hello or making any special recognition on me Maybe he wanted to make it clear that he doesn't play favorites. Of My dad's two other friends at Calvin ,Tony diekema and Don vroon, only Don said hi to me once . I would pass Tony every now and then but he always pretended he didn't know who I was, or maybe actually he didn't know who I was , who knows.