Sunday, October 25, 2020

To the fellow parked across the street from me around 6:45 a.m

To the fellow parked across the street from me around 6:45 a.m. when I pulled up and parked to go to the 7 a.m. Mass . I just sat in my car for a few minutes and I noticed him get out of his car- he made a point of checking his car 🚗 door lock 🔐 , then walked past my vehicle. 

a few minutes later he came back and got stuff out of his car and double & triple-checked his door locks and then he walked past me again. So I said "make sure you check your doors- people break in around here".

 I was just kidding- trying to break the ice because it seemed like he was VIRTUE SIGNALING (ie saying I'm so honest but you're probably not) that he was concerned about people breaking in and maybe he thought I was one of the "bad guys" . 

He took it in the wrong way ,maybe intentionally so, maybe one of those PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE  types of Angelenos who are always virtual signaling.  Then a few minutes later he came back to his car AGAIN & moved his car to the parking lot . He was SO PARANOID  about somebody possibly breaking into his car at 7 a.m. at seemed ridiculous & that kind of paranoia is BAD FOR your SOUL & it's creepy too. 

 I wish the priests would preach about  how extreme materialism & fear of being robbed etc WARPS  the soul -maybe that's why Jesus was ITINERANT (in a good way).  He did not have a house that he was worried about ..& He preached about our body being the temple 🕍.  

How many people are hindered in their spiritual faith journey by being angry homeowners 🏠 or excessively concerned about their material property at the expense of their soul?